Kingsport 1918
Here are photos from Kathy's Korner at the corner of Market and Cherokee. Kathy has hung a six foot wide photo mural of Kingsport's Main Street in 1918, just as the city was born.

Legend to the post it notes:
Note right above bank identifies Strand Theater, above and to left of the note is ID for First Baptist Church. To right of that is ID for Broad Street Methodist Church. Just below that is Kingsport Inn, under construction.
Note at bottom in front of what I think is the old Fire Hall reads Main Street.
Now to the east: just to the right of the photo break says Five Points. To the right of that are two notes, one above the other. The lower one is for Kathy's Korner. Above it is for Ole Time Auction. Between and to the right of those notes is Ford Systems. Up top the far right note is for Watauga Street. And the bottom right note IDs CC&O Depot.

I enjoyed your column on Kingsport 1918. Thanks for posting the pictures on your blog.
Enjoyed the photos. This is my favorite resturant of all in town.
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