Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas from 1953

 Christmas in Kingsport 1953:

5 degrees outside! 

The Day's Headlines:

Deathless Days: There had been no traffic deaths inside the city limits in more than two years. But the county had had a traffic death the day before. 

Weather: Clear skies. No snow. But cold. Much like the weather today in 2022. 

"Nixon Backs Dean" - But not John Dean. That would be another 20 years. This was Special Ambassador Arthur Dean who was negotiating with the North Koreans.

Arrests for Selling Fireworks: You could legally buy a license to sell fireworks but you couldn't legally sell fireworks. 

U.S. Prisoners in Korea: 22 decided to stay behind.

Advertisers Wish Kingsport a Merry Christmas!

(Click on image to enlarge.)

The newspaper saluted its carriers. Check out the names. You may know a few. 

Even the Editorial Page got the Christmas Spirit.

A Christmas sonnet from the man best known for beginning his nightly radio gossip show with, "Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. America and All the Ships at Sea."

Many Christmas Eve comics had Christmas themes. Even Dick Tracy!


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