Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas 1948 - Kingsport Amateur Radio Club Sponsors National Radio Party for Holston Methodist Orphanage

This photo ran on the front page of the Kingsport News on Christmas Eve 1948. Here is the newspaper's caption:

GIFTS FOR GREENEVILLE ORPHANS—Among Christmas gifts that will be presented children at Holston Methodist Orphanage in Greeneville at a national hook-up amateur radio party tonight are these from Kingsport. People in the picture are, left to right, seated: Mrs. Bill Armstrong, Winston Jackson, Forrest Pilgrim, Mrs. Bob Delius, Mrs. Winston Jackson, Mrs. Ward Lantis; standing, Scott Delius, with one of dolls, Ed Shaulis, Jim Litton, Amateur Radio, Club president; Jim We1ch , Bill Armstrong, Ward Lantis, Dan Delius and Mrs. Jim Litton.

The photos are from John Barrett, who found them in his father-in-law Harold Pardue's papers.

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